About Total Drying
Industrial drying technology is an area which demands an innovative approach to produce solutions which satisfy customers demands.
The problems will not be solved by anything less than a dynamic partnership betweenscientists, technologists and manufacturers.
How can low energy methods be incorporated into the drying process?
How can low noise techniques be applied to high speed flow impact?
How can total moisture removal be achieved on fast moving containers?
How can condensation on cold surfaces be stopped?
How can bacteria spread by air-born moisture droplets be removed?
The project that is currently in place as a Knowledge Transfer Partnership between Secomak Ltd and the University of Hertfordshire addresses these problems.
If you would like to be involved in any aspect of this work or would like to contribute your views on drying processes and problems please contact us via this blog.
This Partnership received financial support from the Knowledge Transfer Partnerships programme (KTP). KTP aims to help businesses to improve their competitiveness and productivity through the better use of knowledge, technology and skills that reside within the UK Knowledge Base. KTP is funded by the Technology Strategy Board along with the other government funding organisations.

Friday, 4 July 2008


Collaboration between Secomak and the University of Hertfordshire
Research into Drying at the University of Hertfordshire June 2008
With the recent establishment of the Secomak Drying Centre at the University of Hertfordshire, research is under way into drying processes.
The research project will concentrate on the impact of low energy methods in industrial drying. The importance of the condition of the drying air and the relevance of filmwise and dropwise condensation effects will also be considered.
The involvement of Secomak in this work gives the vital industrial connection, with access to customer's problems related to high speed drying of cans and bottles.

The project is lead by Wen-Chung Wang who has a strong industrial background including seventeen years with Carrier Taiwan Ltd working in the fields of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. His previous postgraduate study was to MSc level at the National Tapei University in Tai Wan.